- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: {{getMes(6-1)}} de 2021
- No. de páginas: 198
- Formato: Impreso , Ebook
- Idioma: Español
- ISBN Impreso: 9789587463897
- ISBN PDF: 9789587463903
- ISBN EPUB: 9789587463910
Rostros de Santa Marta
El arte, la cultura y el deporte
View title and subtitle in English
Title in English: Faces of Santa Marta
Subtitle in English: Art, culture and sports
Tabla de contenido
Description in English: The Department of General Studies of the Universidad del Magdalena conducts a diagnostic test at the beginning of each semester in order to measure the level of reading, writing, oral expression and argumentation with which students arrive at the first semester. This analysis shows the students' strengths and weaknesses in each of the processes. In view of these results, the teachers of the Communicative Competencies area have implemented strategies that seek academic improvement. The project Faces of Santa Marta. Art, culture and sports is a compilation of interviews and biographies of 26 personalities of Santa Marta, written by students of the programs of Medicine and Nursing, Law and Anthropology, corresponding to the first semester of 2018. The objectives of this project encourage critical thinking, reading habits, documentation and textual production based on the interrelation between students and interviewees, guided by the professor Martiniano Acosta. Finally, it is worth mentioning the support of the University's publishing house, the willingness of the interviewees and students for the development of this activity, which has resulted in the publication of Faces of Santa Marta. Art, culture and sports.View description in English
Tabla de contenido
- OCDE (Área, Subárea y Disciplina) Humanidades > Idiomas y literatura > Literatura específica
- Colección y serie: Humanidades y Artes > Literatura y estudios literarios
- Categoría: Obra artística y cultural
- THEMA: Biografía: general; Biografías y prosa de no ficción
- DEWEY: Literatura y retórica > Generalidades > Literatura y retórica
- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: 2021
- ISBN impreso: 9789587463897
- DOI:
- No. de páginas: 198
- Medidas en cm (Alto, Ancho, Grosor): 20, 13, 1
- Idioma: Español
- Formato: PDF, EPUB
- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: 2021
- ISBN PDF: 9789587463903
- ISBN EPUB: 9789587463910
- No. de páginas: 198
- DOI:
- Idioma: Español