The Outstanding Developer by Sebastien Castiel
  • Edición: 1
  • Año de edición: {{getMes(9-1)}} de 2021
  • No. de páginas: 332
  • Formato: Impreso , Ebook
  • Idioma: Español
  • ISBN Impreso: 9789587464528
  • ISBN PDF: 9789587464535
  • ISBN EPUB: 9789587464542

De los campos del Magdalena a la diplomacia mundial

Vivencias de un provinciano autodidacta que cambiaron la historia de la Cancillería colombiana

View title and subtitle in English

Title in English: From the fields of Magdalena to world diplomacy

Subtitle in English: Experiences of a self-taught provincial who changed the history of the Colombian Foreign Ministry

Edición 1, 2021
Humanidades y Artes

Tabla de contenido

Disponible en:
Palabras clave
Vida laboral; Historias; Colombia; Campesinos; Pablo Enrique Arrieta Lara;

View description in English

Description in English: After his retirement from the Colombian diplomatic service, Enrique Arrieta Lara, devoted himself to talking with his close friends, who see in him their best teacher. His constant talks with his students about the divine and the human motivated him to write down some of the stories he told them, and the lectures he gave them so that they would remain as an indelible memory, especially for future generations of Magdalena. Part of these documents is compiled here. These writings are answers that the author has given, in his didactic talks, to questions he has been asked about the history of Colombian diplomacy, of which he was a part. Also included are answers the author has given to questions about his personal life, Colombian and international history and global geopolitics. The author was born in the fields of the old Magdalena Grande, INSERT INTO a peasant family, and he single-handedly worked his way through life, without levers, reaching the highest positions in Colombia's diplomacy. His stories tell of his interactions with pontiffs, emperors, queens, presidents and other diplomats, always leaving high the name of his beloved country.

Tabla de contenido

  • OCDE (Área, Subárea y Disciplina) Humanidades > Historia y arqueología  > Historia
  • Colección y serie: Humanidades y Artes > Historia
  • Categoría: Libro de ensayo
  • THEMA: Historia; Relaciones internacionales
  • BISAC: HISTORIA > General
  • DEWEY: Sociología y Antropología > Ciencias Políticas > Relaciones Internacionales > Diplomacia

  • Edición: 1
  • Año de edición: 2021
  • ISBN impreso: 9789587464528
  • DOI:
  • No. de páginas: 332
  • Medidas en cm (Alto, Ancho, Grosor): 22, 15, 2,1
  • Idioma: Español
  • Formato: PDF, EPUB
  • Edición: 1
  • Año de edición: 2021
  • ISBN PDF: 9789587464535
  • ISBN EPUB: 9789587464542
  • No. de páginas: 332
  • DOI:
  • Idioma: Español

Arrieta Lara, P. E. (2021). De los campos del Magdalena a la diplomacia mundial. Vivencias de un provinciano autodidacta que cambiaron la historia de la Cancillería colombiana. Editorial Unimagdalena.