- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: {{getMes(3-1)}} de 2022
- No. de páginas:
- Formato: Impreso , Ebook
- Idioma: Español
- ISBN Impreso: 9789587464900
- ISBN PDF: 9789587464917
- ISBN EPUB: 9789587464924
Reminiscencias en recovecos samarios
View title and subtitle in English
Title in English: Reminiscences in Samarian recesses
Tabla de contenido
Description in English: Guided by Armando Lacera Rúa, we travel to Santa Marta in the mid-twentieth century. There, streetcorners, roads, and places of pleasant remembrance, nowadays gone, Lacera preserves in his memory with great liveliness, oblivious to the devastating passing of time. We can visit the well-known Chinese stores that were true hubs of Samarian intellectual work and witness the poignant debates between the intellectuals of yore who met there in the heat of domino games. We move to the soccer fields of Pescaíto and everything that was the root and evolution of the Samarian passion: soccer. In contrast to the intellectual and sports landmarks, we nostalgically walk through the El Ancón neighborhood and go INSERT INTO the famous bustling Calle de las Piedras, recreating its commercial and prostitution activity with its hotels, bars, and canteens. The author vigorously and entertainingly complements this compilation of Samarium recesses with images that allow survivors of bygone eras to bask in their memories and offer a complete picture of the former Santa Marta for those who did not yet exist.View description in English
Tabla de contenido
- OCDE (Área, Subárea y Disciplina) Humanidades > Historia y arqueología > Historia
- Colección y serie: Humanidades y Artes > Historia
- Categoría: Obra artística y cultural
- THEMA: Historia; Memorias
- BISAC: HISTORIA > Historia social
- DEWEY: Geografía e historia > Historia mundial > Geografía e historia
- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: 2022
- ISBN impreso: 9789587464900
- DOI:
- No. de páginas:
- Medidas en cm (Alto, Ancho, Grosor): 24, 17, 1,8
- Idioma: Español
- Formato: PDF, EPUB
- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: 2022
- ISBN PDF: 9789587464917
- ISBN EPUB: 9789587464924
- No. de páginas:
- DOI:
- Idioma: Español