- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: {{getMes(10-1)}} de 2023
- No. de páginas:
- Formato: Impreso , Ebook
- Idioma: Español
- ISBN Impreso: 9789587466515
- ISBN PDF: 9789587466539
- ISBN EPUB: 9789587466522
Un sueño de gloria
View title and subtitle in English
Title in English: A dream of glory
Tabla de contenido
Description in English: This work narrates the history of our football, highlighting its significance at the national, regional, and local levels. It aims to provide readers with an understanding of the impact of football in our department and to shed light on our recent lack of success in national competitions over the past 25 years, where we have not achieved significant results either collectively or individually. This journey through our football history recounts its introduction to our country, the participation of a departmental delegation in the memorable National Olympic Games of 1928, the prominent leaders of the past, the significant presence of Magdalena referees in national competitions, the various football tournaments once held in the city of Santa Marta, and the role of our narrators and journalists in elevating Magdalena to national and international prominence. The photographs, reviews, and stories in this book, the product of more than 20 years of journalistic practice, reflect the passion of a people who are still waiting for the consolidation of a football project that will bring them national and international satisfaction.View description in English
Tabla de contenido
- OCDE (Área, Subárea y Disciplina) Humanidades > Historia y arqueología > Historia
- Colección y serie: Santa Marta 500 años > Santa Marta 500 años
- Categoría: Libro de divulgación cultural
- THEMA: Deportes y juegos de pelota; Historia del deporte
- DEWEY: Las artes > Artes recreativas y escénicas > Deportes y juegos atléticos y al aire libre > Juegos de pelota
- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: 2023
- ISBN impreso: 9789587466515
- DOI:
- No. de páginas:
- Medidas en cm (Alto, Ancho, Grosor): 28, 21,5, 2
- Idioma: Español
- Formato: PDF, EPUB
- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: 2023
- ISBN PDF: 9789587466539
- ISBN EPUB: 9789587466522
- No. de páginas:
- DOI:
- Idioma: Español