- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: {{getMes(4-1)}} de 2023
- No. de páginas: 416
- Formato: Impreso , Ebook
- Idioma: Español
- ISBN Impreso: 9789587466058
- ISBN PDF: 9789587466072
Las ciudades olvidadas: Las sociedades originarias de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
Ocupación espacial y desarrollo arquitectónico, siglos X al XVI
View title and subtitle in English
Title in English: The forgotten cities: The native societies of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
Subtitle in English: Spatial Occupation and Architectural Development, 10th to 16th Centuries
Tabla de contenido
Description in English: The main objective of this work is to analyze
social dynamics and possible patterns and models of spatial occupation
developed by the different cultural groups that inhabited the so-called Tairona
cultural area, in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in a chronological
framework that spans approximately from the 10th century to the final years of
the 16th century.Sources include the principal archaeological
works carried out in the region, documents from the General Archive of Indies
in Seville, the General Archive of the Nation in Bogotá and the National
Library of Madrid, as well as reports, maps, designs, projects, and notebooks
from the Library of the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History, as
well as the Documentation Center of the Pro Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
Foundation, and traveler diaries or chronicles, published throughout the 19th
and 20th centuries.
The builders of this great civilization
occupying the northern and western faces of the Sierra Nevada created one of
the Caribbean's most complex cultures and one of the least studied. In their
struggle for survival, these peoples had to develop sophisticated adaptation
and management strategies, not only in the very complex, harsh, and challenging
environment where they had settled but also facing progressive pressure from
European invaders since the beginning of the 16th century, which boxed them
INSERT INTO the highest and most inaccessible places in the Sierra. After a long
process of resistance lasting almost a hundred years, these dynamics were
undone by the Castilian invasion; when these settlements were gradually
incapacitated and kept from functioning properly, ending forcibly and fatally
depopulated. These pages are meant for learning, with the rigor of scientific
studies, about one of the most complex and complete societies in human history
in the American continent; from their wisdom and their formidable
organizational capacity, which made it possible for them to grow, create and
develop in the way they did. There are no forgotten cities because people's
memory is always stubborn.View description in English
Tabla de contenido
- OCDE (Área, Subárea y Disciplina) Humanidades > Historia y arqueología > Historia
- Colección y serie: Humanidades y Artes > Historia
- Categoría: Libro producto de investigación
- THEMA: Historia de la arquitectura; Sociología y antropología; Historia y arqueología
- BISAC: ARQUITECTURA > Historia > General
- DEWEY: Las artes > Arquitectura > Arquitectura
- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: 2023
- ISBN impreso: 9789587466058
- DOI:
- No. de páginas: 416
- Medidas en cm (Alto, Ancho, Grosor): 30, 23,8, 2
- Idioma: Español
- Formato: PDF, EPUB
- Edición: 1
- Año de edición: 2023
- ISBN PDF: 9789587466072
- No. de páginas: 416
- DOI:
- Idioma: Español